Every Saturday from 2pm to 4pm throughout the Summer! Learn about the importance of caterpillars and conduct data collection for Caterpillars Count!, a community science project. We’ll learn more about the program, what it looks like at the Squam Lakes Association, and survey the sites around the SLA’s campus. Caterpillars and other arthropods are important to the surrounding plants, animals, and other critters so by recording what we find we can learn a lot about the health of our ecosystem. If you’d like to spend an afternoon walking around in the woods and counting bugs please join us!
What to Bring: We’ll be walking in highly vegetated areas, so please wear comfortable clothing and close-toed shoes that can get dirty. Long pants are recommended. Please also bring water and snacks if you’d like.
To Register: head to Squamlakes.org/calendar or call 603-968-7336.