Granite Outdoor supports a sustainable, welcoming, and experience-driven lifestyle through outdoor industry momentum and consensus. Come hang with us.



Granite Outdoor is a membership-based advocacy non-profit organization supporting the New Hampshire outdoor industry. Representing brands, retailers, non-profits, and individuals, Granite Outdoor is organized to represent the emerging outdoor recreation economy in New Hampshire to provide a voice for the many businesses and organizations that are part of this growing community.  Our time is now - let’s do this together!


Rockhounds Wanted.

Join other like-minded Rock Hounds and you will be granted endless powder days, big surfy waves, and everlasting blue skies! Together our voice is strong and we need your commitment to make this all happen. You’ll be glad you did.


Membership ROI.

Find out how Granite Outdoor will support your business, passion, livelihood, or all of the above! We are working toward uniting the outdoor community and there are a variety of programs, events, and policy initiatives that will inspire you.

Rockin’ the Boston Outdoor Expo!

New Hampshire showed up at the Boston Outdoor Expo 😎 We spent the weekend promoting the Granite State’s vibrant outdoor recreation scene and the brands that elevate our outdoor economy, including Burgeon Outdoor, Minus33 Merino Wool Clothing, NEMO Equipment, Outdoor New England, and Loon Mountain Resort.


2023 NH Outdoor Industry Inventory

In 2022, recognizing the need for a deeper understanding of the state’s outdoor industry, the New Hampshire Office of Outdoor Recreation Industry Development (ORID) commissioned a grant-funded inventory of the state’s outdoor recreation businesses, organizations, and assets. This report includes the overall findings of the study as well as more detailed breakdowns of selected outdoor recreation activities.

2024-2028 SCORP

The Statewide Comprehensive Outdoor Recreation Plan (SCORP) serves as a planning tool for state and local entities that hope to apply for LWCF funding in the next five years. The priority areas listed represent issues of great importance for New Hampshire’s outdoor recreation growth and management.


Tyler McGill surfs every summer while co-owning Summer Sessions on the Seacoast. Check out this story of winter surfing in New Hampshire; it’s a lifestyle.


New Hampshire's outdoor recreation sector is 2.7% of the State's economy, the 9th highest of any state. It’s up to the outdoor community to steward its own future. Collectively, our voice is loud and will be heard. Let's build for the long term, and let’s do it together.


The Impact of Outdoor Recreation

Check out this video for a quick overview of Outdoor Recreation’s economic impact. Want more? Check out the stats HERE on friend Outdoor Recreation Roundtable’s website.


What’s Going On


Recreation Economy Toolkit

Outdoor Recreation Roundtable released it’s Rural Community Recreation Economy Toolkit on January 21, 2021. A nationwide study supports the information provided. Granite Outdoor’s Tyler Ray was part of interview process and GOA member Granite Backcountry Alliance is featured.