Meet at 9:00 am on September 30 at the large parking lot in Lisbon, located between Mikey’s Seafood Pub and Grill (Route 302 in the center of Lisbon: 60 N Main St, Lisbon, NH) and Sweet Treats Ice Cream Shop. This is about a 17 minute drive from Franconia via Sugar Hill (Route 117).
Did you know there’s a bike path that extends 83 miles across New Hampshire? You can experience part of the Cross New Hampshire Adventure Trail (XNHAT) Saturday morning before GRANITEER! Join XNHAT for an easygoing group gravel bike ride on the Ammonoosuc Recreational Rail Trail from Lisbon to Woodsville and back (about 20 miles round trip), enjoying many railroad bridges and 2 covered bridges along the way. The rail corridor has very recently undergone a restoration project, let's check out the new surface and celebrate the progress! The ride is easy on the rail trail and a dirt road. A gravel bike, hybrid or mountain bike are all good for this dirt and gravel ride.